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Melbury College

Melbury College

A partnership that includes Melrose Secondary & Primary Schools, Canterbury Campus, Lavender Campus, Whatley Campus and Cobham Court.


All pupils must have an EHCP (Education, Health and Care Plan) with the main need being defined as Social, Emotional, Mental Health Needs.

Consultations for a school place must be made to Merton SEN via sen@merton.gov.uk Consultations should not be made directly to the school office and those made via this way will not be considered.  Merton SEN will confirm receipt of a consultation and place on the next appropriate Admissions Panel where the submitted paperwork will be view by professionals including those from Melrose School.  The outcome of a consultation is provided by Merton SEN to the appropriate EHCP coordinator and parents. Outcomes are not provided by the school.

To view the Melrose Admissions Flow Chart, please click here