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Melbury College

Melbury College

A partnership that includes Melrose Secondary & Primary Schools, Canterbury Campus, Lavender Campus, Whatley Campus and Cobham Court.


"In Year 10 my son was excluded from mainstream and was sent to the Canterbury Campus. This place was the only option for him as no schools would take admissions in Year 10. He was not happy because he had a difficult time in his previous school with adults and students. He was always getting into trouble, sometimes it wasn’t even his fault. His teachers were getting fed up and wouldn’t believe his side of story". 

"In the beginning, when he started Canterbury Campus he would not leave the house and wouldn’t attend school. He struggled a lot. It was emotional for us as a family to accept his exclusion. However, after attending a few classes he settled down. The reward system helped him to have a positive behaviour which made him happy".

Most importantly;

"His teachers were so helpful, positive and supportive. He enjoyed his time at Canterbury Campus and did really well in his GCSE exams. He also won the Jack Petchey award for being the best student. I feel if he was at mainstream school he wouldn’t have done so well. He even did better than his old mainstream school friends".  

"Canterbury Campus has helped my child a lot by building a positive relationship with him. They believed in him, which also helped his confidence. After completing his GCSE, he went to college and completed A levels and BTEC in Business with a Distinction equivalent to grade A*AA Levels). Next month he will be going to Queen Mary University to study degree in Accountancy and Finance". 

"A child with someone who helps them build broken confidence and trust can achieve anything. Thank you to all those teachers that helped my son, we as a family cannot forget".

Adults like you can make a difference to any child!