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Melbury College

Melbury College

A partnership that includes Melrose Secondary & Primary Schools, Canterbury Campus, Lavender Campus, Whatley Campus and Cobham Court.

Rewards System

Canterbury Campus Rewards System

At the Canterbury Campus we believe it is imperative that students receive recognition throughout their school day.

We believe it sets a standard of behaviour that encourages students to want to attend our centre and aspires young learners. We have a 5 criteria rewards system.

Triple Points for attending the Breakfast Club, this is a wonderful way for your child to start the day, with a healthy breakfast! Attendance to all lessons. Rule compliance, Learning Zone, and Respect.  For our students who go the extra mile they are rewarded with Golden Moments and Leading learners. Students can earn up to a maximum set of points per day (190) of which are converted into money and students can purchase goods via our SLT from Argos, JD Sports and New Look on a weekly basis.

However, students will have points deducted for damage to the school or for poor behaviour choices.

Jack Petchey Award Scheme

Melbury College is one of almost 2000 clubs and schools who run the Jack Petchy Achievement Award Scheme.

The scheme contributes millions of pounds each year to support youth work in London and Essex.

The Achievement Award Scheme aims to enable schools, colleges and youth organisations to recognise, reward and celebrate the achievements of their young people. Jack Petchey wants young people to raise their aspirations, believe in themselves and make a contribution to their society.

Achievement Awards are designed to recognise a wide range of achievement, it is not just about being clever, or gifted, but about putting the effort in and doing your best. The scheme works well because young people themselves are involved in nominating and selecting the winners.  Students and staff at Melbury nominate and vote each term.