At Melrose Primary, we want to prepare children for future jobs that may not exist yet using technology that may not yet have been developed. In order to do this, we want to instil in our children the skills they need to solve problems and remain safe online as well as the knowledge they need of digital systems to successfully create programmes and use technology as an effective form of communicating.
We are able to provide our pupils with a range of devices including iPads and Chromebooks to support their learning in computing. The platform for our Computing Curriculum is through Google Suite which is a secure, office and productivity app based service stored in the cloud. Pupils have their own accounts which enables them to complete individual and collaborative computing projects.
Computing Outcomes for the end of Key Stage 2:
- Children design, write and debug programs that accomplish specific goals.
- Children use logical reasoning to explain how simple algorithms work including debugging.
- Children are able to use search technologies effectively.
- Children can use and combine a variety of software including analysing, evaluating and presenting data and information.
- Children understand the opportunities for communication and collaboration that being online provides.
- Children all use technology safely, respectfully and responsibly, and recognise acceptable and unacceptable behaviour.
We use schemes of learning by Switched on Computing to support the teaching of these skills.
Melrose Primary School
Computing Overview 2023-24
Kapow Computing Units
Autumn 1 |
Autumn 2 |
Spring 1 |
Spring 2 |
Summer 1 |
Summer 2 |
Years 1/2 |
Programming |
Creating media |
Data handling |
Programming |
Creating Media |
Data Handling |
Bee-Bots |
Digital Imagery Online Safety unit 1 |
Introduction to data |
Scratch Jr |
Stop-Motion |
International Space Station |
Years 3/4 |
Computer systems and networks |
Data handling |
Computer systems and networks |
Computer systems and networks |
Data handling |
Skills showcase |
Network and the internet |
Comparison cards Online Safety unit 4 |
Journey inside a computer |
Collaborative learning |
Investigating weather |
Years 5/6 |
Programming |
Creating media |
Computer systems and networks |
Data handling |
Data handling |
Programming |
Programming: Music |
Stop motion animation |
Search engines |
Big data 1 |
Big data 2 |
Introduction to Python |