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Melbury College

Melbury College

A partnership that includes Melrose Secondary & Primary Schools, Canterbury Campus, Lavender Campus, Whatley Campus and Cobham Court.

At Melrose Primary School, we want to instil a love of learning in our young people and help them to develop the knowledge, skills and attitudes required for them to be successful at school and beyond.

Curriculum Overview Table 2023-24

We recognise that learning can happen anytime and in a variety of ways and work creatively with our young people to remove any barriers they have to learning. 

We have created a set of Learning Behaviours that we wish to develop in our young people and design our curriculum and wider learning opportunities with an aim to develop these behaviours.

We offer an engaging, nurturing and creative themed-based curriculum as the context to deliver the full range of National Curriculum subjects.  Each half term, is organised into a new theme and links are made between subjects such as English, Art, History and Geography to help pupils develop subject specific knowledge and skills whilst making meaningful connections with their learning.  Subjects such as Maths, Science, Music, RE and PE are taught in isolation to ensure that pupils make good progress in acquiring the knowledge and skills required for these subjects. 

Our curriculum is enhanced through a wide range of real-life opportunities and children often attend off-site visits to support their understanding.  We have excellent facilities onsite including access to specialist classrooms for cooking and Design Technology in the Secondary provision as well as a purpose built sports hall and outside AstroTurf court.  Children have access to our onsite woodland area which they access frequently including for Forest School learning.

In addition to the National Curriculum subjects, we offer two afternoon sessions per week known as ‘Social Development Opportunities’.  These sessions are designed to develop children’s confidence, resilience and communication skills by providing them with new and creative activities, which they may not have previously had access to.  Examples of this activities have included visits to Deen City Farm, Police Cadets, library visits and DJ and music production.  

We work with a wide range of professionals including Speech and Language Therapists and Educational Psychologist to create individualised programmes of support which are reflective of our young pupils’ needs and embed these throughout our curriculum.

Please click links to view our Autumn 1 Curriculum Maps for

Topaz Class

Autumn Term 1

Spring Term 1

Emerald Class

Autumn Term 1 

Autumn Term 2

Spring Term 1

Ruby Class

Autumn Term 1

Autumn Term 2

Spring Term 1

Sapphire Class

Autumn Term 1

Autumn Term 2

Spring Term 1


Please click on the links below to learn more about the curriculum for each subject:

 English  PE  PSHE
Science Religious Education Computing









Art and Design

Design Technology