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Melbury College

Melbury College

A partnership that includes Melrose Secondary & Primary Schools, Canterbury Campus, Lavender Campus, Whatley Campus and Cobham Court.

Design Technology

Our Design and Technology curriculum allows pupils the opportunity design, construct and innovate in a range of real-life problem solving contexts; making use of knowledge and skills from across the curriculum including Maths, Science, Art and Computing.  Pupils have the opportunity to develop many life skills that will support them in the future including problem solving, fixing things, building and creating as well as food hygiene and nutrition.


By the end of Key Stage 2, pupils will be able to design, make and evaluate their products applying technical knowledge they have developed to create the following:

Structures: marble run, bridges and a shelter. They will use a range of materials including Lego and woodwork.

Mechanisms: moving vehicle, pop up book and a moving puppet

Electrical systems: fairground ride and motorised vehicles

Cooking and nutrition

By the end of Key Stage 2 pupils will be able to:

  • Cook and prepare a variety of dishes applying their knowledge of a healthy and varied diet
  • Follow and evaluate recipes
  • Follow food hygiene procedures
  • Use a range of cooking instruments safely
  • Understand where their food comes from and how their foods are grown and produced
  • Grow herbs and produce to use in their meals
  • Understand and use technical vocabulary whilst they develop their confidence in a range of cooking techniques such as chopping, grating, frying, blending, baking
  • Visit a supermarket or local market to purchase their own products

Younger pupils will carry out cooking activities in their classrooms whilst older pupils have access to the Food Technology kitchen in Secondary.


By the end of Key Stage 2 pupils will be able to:

  • Research, design and construct a number of functional items including puppets, money bag, scarf, t-shirt and utility belt
  • Developed their knowledge of fastenings such as buttons, zips and velcro and include one within their designs
  • Developed knowledge and vocabulary of a range of decorative features including tie-dye, printing, embroidery, applique, embellishments and incorporated these within their designs
  • Be able to hand sew and develop a range of basic stitched including a blanket stitch, cross stitch and running stitch and crochet
  • Evaluate their products and accept feedback on how their designs could be further improved

Textiles aspects of the Design and Technology curriculum are delivered in Social Development Opportunities.

Melrose Primary School 

Design Technology Overview 2023-24


Autumn 1

Autumn 2

Spring 1

Spring 2

Summer 1

Summer 2

Years 1/2









Baby Bear’s Chair

Wheels and Axles


Fairground Wheel

Years 3/4




Mechanical Systems


Electrical Systems

Digital World




Making A Slingshot




Mindful Moments Timer

Years 5/6




Mechanical Systems


Electrical Systems

Digital World




Automata Toys


Steady Hand Held

Navigating The World