At Melrose Primary, we recognise how the teaching of geography helps our young people to make sense of the world around them and to explore their own place in our global society. It is through our geography teaching, we help children to appreciate the diverse places, people and resources that make up our planet and the impact that humans have on these. We believe that a fundamental part of geography, is teaching our young people to understand and recognise their responsibility in our planet’s conservation, so much of our learning is based on environmental studies with opportunities to make connections in our wider community.
Our geography units of work are based on the National Curriculum and organised in a two-year. The wider geographical themes are developed through the use of core texts and literacy lessons are used to help engage and immerse pupils in geography units. Within our timetabled Geography lessons, the focus is on developing pupils’ geographical skills and fieldwork where we make good use of a range of resources including technology, our school woodland area as well as the local area.
Melrose Primary School
Geography Overview 2023-24
Autumn 1 |
Autumn 2 |
Spring 1 |
Spring 2 |
Summer 1 |
Summer 2 |
Years 1/2 |
Would you prefer to live in a hot or cold country? |
Why is our world wonderful? |
What is it like to live by the coast? |
Years 3/4 |
Who lives in Antarctica?
Are all settlements the same? |
Where does our food come from? |
Years 5/6 |
What is life like in the alps? |
Would you live in a desert? |
Where does energy come from? |