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Melbury College

Melbury College

A partnership that includes Melrose Secondary & Primary Schools, Canterbury Campus, Lavender Campus, Whatley Campus and Cobham Court.


At Melrose Primary, we recognise the importance that music brings to enriching the lives of people and supporting the spiritual, social, cultural and emotional development of our pupils. We believe all children should have the opportunity to express themselves creatively and develop new talents and interests.
For many of our young people, learning music can be challenging due to the cognitive demands it places as well as their additional sensory or emotional needs. Therefore, we have adapted our approach to the teaching of music and the ways in which we develop pupils’ musical appreciation.
We provide Music Therapy to all pupils. Some pupils work individually or in pairs whilst others access in a group setting in their classroom. This allows pupils to use music as a form of expression as they improvise and compose with our therapist from Nordoff Robins.
We have collaborated with Merton Music Foundation and have given all our pupils the opportunity to learn Music Production at the SoundWaves studio and have learned and performed in a Samba ensemble. Pupils have also taken part in a number of events including an opera workshop and attended a jazz concert at Wimbledon Theatre. At Christmas, we performed as a school choir at a Carol Concert at our local church.
We continue to explore new opportunities to promote a confident, positive attitude towards the learning and use of Music, making it an enjoyable and fun experience for all.

Melrose Primary School

Music Overview 2023-24


Autumn 1

Autumn 2

Spring 1

Spring 2

Summer 1

Summer 2

Years 1/2

MMF Project

MMF Project







West African call and
response song

Orchestral instruments (Theme: Traditional Western stories)

Myths and legends

On this island: British songs and sounds

Years 3/4

MMF Project

MMF Project





Djembe drumming

Djembe drumming


Composition to represent the festival of colour

Creating a composition in response to a movie: mountains

Composition: Ancient Egypt

Years 5/6

MMF Project

MMF Project





Djembe drumming

Djembe drumming

Film Music

Dynamics, pitch and texture: Coast

Musical Theatre

Songs of World War 2