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Melbury College

Melbury College

A partnership that includes Melrose Secondary & Primary Schools, Canterbury Campus, Lavender Campus, Whatley Campus and Cobham Court.

Social Development Opportunities (SDO's)

At Melrose school we offer Social Development Opportunities to all of our pupils. SDOs allow children to experience new and challenging activities which broaden their cultural experiences and allow pupils to practice their social skills in a new context which they may not have previously had access to.  By engaging in SDOs, we enable our pupils to discover hidden talents and develop new interests, which they may continue to peruse outside of school. Examples of our SDO provision includes indoor climbing, trampolining, gym, ice-skating, clothing and trainer customisation. These opportunities take place both on and off site. These are designed using the Universal Skills Builder Framework. 

It has never been more important to build a set of essential skills to succeed in life for our children and young people: the ability to creatively solve problems, to self-manage, to communicate effectively, and to work well with others. These skills are needed to do almost anything well. We use the SkillsBuilder framework, which highlights and offers support to our students in reaching each of the eight essential skills listed and explained in the table below.

In the Primary provision, SDOs take place twice a week on a Tuesday and Friday afternoon. In the Secondary provision, these take place on Monday, Wednesday and Friday afternoons.  Pupils are given a carousel of activities to access across the academic year and their time at Melrose.

Social Development Opportunities available to Melrose Pupils 2023-24


Autumn 1

Autumn 2

Spring 1

Spring 2

Summer 1

Summer 2









DT: Puppets



Lego Engineering

Deen City Farm

Forest School

Forest School

Woven Wonders



Bowling/Mini Golf









Lego Engineering


Bowling/Mini Golf


Forest School

Egyptian collars/ scrolls

Art for Wellbeing

Forest School

Fabric of Nature



Art for Wellbeing








Forest School


Fabric of Nature


Lego Engineering

Bowling/Mini Golf



Art for Wellbeing

Art for Wellbeing

Forest School

Egyptian collars/ scrolls









DT: Stuffed Toys

Forest School

Fitness Gym

Forest School

Lego Engineering

Photo Opportunity


Art for Wellbeing



Art for Wellbeing
